Hybrid Ecosystems

Audiovisual Design
Project Overview
Natural and technological ecosystems are closely related, however counter-intuitive it might seem at first. Investigating these overlapping areas through our senses, we venture in hybrid worlds of sounds, visuals and haptics. Between self-mutating algorithms and recursive patterns in nature, we explore similarities and aim to provoke questions about a more sustainable and tangible view of technology.
Our Contributions
Hybrid Ecosystems is an interactive audiovisual exhibition created by MDEF (Master in Design of Emergent Futures) students at IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia) Barcelona, together with multidisciplinary artist collective NA.B3, made possible by AKASHA Hub Barcelona. We used biomaterials and resources found in the wild as interfaces to invite people into a world where similarities between the synthetic and natural are abound. The distributed nature of the interfaces allowed for creative collaboration amongst the participants, whether they be friends or strangers, thus blending the line of spectator and creator.
Hybrid Ecosystems
Audiovisual Design
As an idea born out of the Master in Design for Emergent Futures at IAAC Barcelona, we produced and curated an exhibition about the similarities and contradictions of technological and natural ecosystems. Investigating these overlapping areas through our senses, we explore worlds of sounds, visuals and haptics. Between self-mutating algorithms and recursive patterns in nature, we draw similarities and aim to provoke questions about a more sustainable and tangible view of technology.

The exhibition and its installations were entirely produced in a six-week period. They consist of sound-reactive 3D-printed clay pieces, interactive particle simulations, an audiovisual installation/instrument that can be played through biomaterial interfaces, a light sculpture by artist collective NA.B3 and a video installation on fractal patterns. Visitors could explore the exhibition space and take home a plant, including matching NFT, as a commemorative.

Find more info here.